Let’s face it. Christianity is filled with penny pinchers. There are too many cost cutters who name the name of Christ. Churches are like thrift stores filled with bargain hunters. Cheap grace replaced the cross with bargain basement prices. Too many today want Jesus on-sale. God offers no such bargain. He doesn’t run a five-and-dime store and following His Son isn’t found on the discount rack. Christianity has a price. God has set that price and He will not cheapen it by offering it on-sale. He desires that those who follow His Son would count the cost and pay the price of discipleship, willingly. Oh, and just so you know, it will cost you everything.
A Road Less Traveled
Acts 20:17-25
August 20, 2023
Closing the Yo-Yo Factory
1 Peter 1:1-9
August 13, 2023
Redefining the World's Vocabulary
Luke 9:57-62
August 6, 2023